

The company reached an understanding with the Maersk Line and was given the confidence to handle shipping, direct dispersal, booking and clearance of containers for companies and individuals, and owns a land transport fleet in the Sudan and the Republic of Chad.


In the field of mining we have 17 mining squares, of which 4 are in the Republic of Sudan and a new exploration of the containerized square as well as in the area of (Baer Alnhas), a total of 22 tons. In the Republic of Mali, we have a mining licence and the remediation of mines in Gao and Kidal province. In the Republic of Guinea, Conakry, Kanca Province, we own 12 sites, 11 to deal with mining offences and one in the Sakkari Industrial Mining District.


We own 8 petroleum oil rigs in the Central African Republic and have have several negotiations in the regional environment.


We own organic fertilizer factories in Mauritania, Republic of (Guinea Conakry) , (Sultanate of Oman). In the field of cement industries, we own a factory in the (Sudan in Nyala), an agricultural export processing plant in (Khartoum), a dairy factory and its derivatives in (Nyala), and a mining waste processing plant in Guinea Conakry, Kana province.

Animal Development Services

In Animal activities, we have Dutch cows, where we are the first to import them and native them in western Sudan. Where these factories supply our factories for milk and products in the city of Nyala, products in the city of Nyala, where our products reach the neighboring countries.

Agricultural Services

We own a fleet of agricultural equipment and are currently rehabilitating more than 2 million acres of agriculture in the Sudan. We have also signed a contract with (Themar Agricultural Production Company) and (Mossam Advanced Projects Company) in Mortania for joint cooperation in the field of agriculture and have extended experience since the beginning of the agricultural revolution in Sudan.

Real Estate Development

In the field of real estate we have contributed to real estate development in the states of western Sudan and we are the first companies to contribute to the city of( Nyala )from shops, residential and infrastructure.

Export and Import Services

In the field of exports, we specialize in the export of cow horns and own the first Sudanese company in this field. In the field of imports, we import marble, agricultural fertilizer and spare parts of industrial production lines.