Almansoub Investments Group

We are a leading investment company since 1978, taking a leading position as one of the largest investment companies, and we extend regionally to Africa and the Middle East.

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About Us

We take an innovative approach to our investments around the world with the aim of contributing to economic transformation and achieving sustainable value for shareholders, our partners and future generations We seek to find value across the investment chain, along with our push for a wheel Economic and community development in societies around the world We commit ourselves to the transformation of development and industry and look forward to our responsibility to help the world reach a zero-neutral economy, where we make sustained efforts to help find solutions to sustainability challenges We continue to strive to strengthen our position at the forefront, be our customer's preferred supplier, and continue to deliver far-reaching value to our shareholders, and find value across the various stages of investment, along with driving economic and community development in communities around the world

Over the past four decades, the company's operators have been able to advance and transform it from a small company active in the local market, into a regional company with high reputation and prestige, enabling it to establish many strategic partnerships with major companies in various fields. Today, the company manages with professionalism and professionalism a large and diversified investment portfolio, including industrial and petroleum services, agriculture and animal development, real estate development and infrastructure projects.

Our Vision

Our vision in Almansoub Investments Group Is to innovate, develop and implement the concepts of mega-enterprises and drive development in the public spheres, and commit to a leading role towards transformation in public industries. We look forward to our responsibility to help the world reach a stable economy. We will continue to elevate our vision, to reach limitless places of imagination and innovation, and here our firm values come to be a fundamental pillar that we base every day.

Our Mission

Starting from the advanced leadership investment nature, we continued to diversify our business into different business sectors and developed a global footprint to provide maximum value to stakeholders. Our mission is to strengthen our business through effective management of our resources, assets and integrated services; establishing long-term relationships with clients; Increasing shareholders' value, we are always committed to the spirit of responsibility in our work and we respect employees, society and the environment.

Our Goals

Fostering and consolidating the positive impact of Almansoub in the societies in which it operates and contributing to its economy in a way that ensures a better future for future generations. Enabling human resources to invest their potential by providing opportunities through our investments, and implementing investments and strategies in businesses and industries provide promising and sustainable growth and expansion opportunities.

Partnering with Major Companies


Countries in Africa and the Middle East

Years in Leadership

Our History

Established as a trade name in 1978 by the late founder Gibreel, Almansoub Dena (may Allah's mercy be upon him), to take advantage of investment opportunities in the state of development and prosperity, the beginning of which was in the Western Province of the Republic of the Sudan Civil Nyala, where it shortened its activity in livestock exports from Saudi Arabia and Libya, and agricultural exports to the Republic of Egypt and Saudi Arabia.


In 1992, she entered the realm of real estate, one of the first real estate developers in the city of Nyala, and was in my line and a clear vision for if she went into industrial development, in 1999 and opened the first organic fertilizer plant operating in (Cambost) technology by the late Gibreel Almnsuob Dena , who had a major contribution to the development of Sudan's agricultural and industrial revolution.

1992 - 1999

In 2001, his son, Mohammed Gibril, deputies of Dana, took over the presidency of the Board of Directors. He is one of the first to import and home Dutch cows in the western regions of the Sudan, as well as the owner of the first Albanian farm and local neighbour factory. It entered the leather industries and the 2004 process, thanks to Taher Djibril, then Executive Director. It was structured and developed and Abker Gibreel Almnsuob was delegated a regional representative in 2006.

2001 - 2006

With the technological development of 2009, the company entered the technological sphere. This was carried out by Engineer Gibreel Mohamed Gibreel Almansoub and opened the first branch in the capital Khartoum under his chairmanship in the name of the Almansoub Publicity and advertising, which encompassed the throne of the Sudanese market in paper industries and now represents a bright facade for all Sudanese. Almansoub extended to the international ocean in 2017 and opened its first offices in France under the name of Abkar Almansoub business. In the same year, it opened its first branch in Senegal and was located in the capital, Dakar, in the West African region, under the name of Almansoub Investments Company Ltd.

2009 - 2017

In 2018, Almansoub name shifted from a trade name to the Almansoub investment company led by Mr. Gibreel Abker Gibreel l, Chairman of the Board of Directors. Its first branch was opened in The Gambia in the name of Almansoub Investment L.L.C , and in Mortina it acquired the Nile Company and established Almansoub Company for Investment and Advanced Projects at the invitation of the Mauritanian Government. The company continued its development and progress and acquired the shares of the Nile Investment Company in the Republic of Guinea Conakry in March 2019 and was transformed into the name of Almansoub Investment Company. The company gained confidence from the Guinean Government in its significant role in the field of industrial and agricultural development in the country so that it could take the concession box in the province of Canka mining and remediation and planting 10 million trees as a community responsibility to combat desertification and climate change.

2018 - 2019

In 2022, Almansoub Investments entered the Gulf market and the Middle East at the official invitation of the Government of the Sultanate of Oman due to the company's history and achievements in the fields of industrial, agricultural, mining and export services as well as its medical business reputation. A branch was opened in the Sultanate of Oman with the investment of Ras Mal Cash and Aini exceeding $20 million and The company's headquarters in the Middle East were taken from Salalah, Dhofar State.

2020 - 2022



The company reached an understanding with the Maersk Line and was given the confidence to handle shipping, direct dispersal, booking and clearance of containers for companies and individuals, and owns a land transport fleet in the Sudan and the Republic of Chad.


In the field of mining we have 17 mining squares, of which 4 are in the Republic of Sudan and a new exploration of the containerized square as well as in the area of (Baer Alnhas), a total of 22 tons. In the Republic of Mali, we have a mining licence and the remediation of mines in Gao and Kidal province. In the Republic of Guinea, Conakry, Kanca Province, we own 12 sites, 11 to deal with mining offences and one in the Sakkari Industrial Mining District.


We own 8 petroleum oil rigs in the Central African Republic and have have several negotiations in the regional environment.


We own organic fertilizer factories in Mauritania, Republic of (Guinea Conakry) , (Sultanate of Oman). In the field of cement industries, we own a factory in the (Sudan in Nyala), an agricultural export processing plant in (Khartoum), a dairy factory and its derivatives in (Nyala), and a mining waste processing plant in Guinea Conakry, Kana province.

Animal Development Services

In Animal activities, we have Dutch cows, where we are the first to import them and native them in western Sudan. Where these factories supply our factories for milk and products in the city of Nyala, products in the city of Nyala, where our products reach the neighboring countries.

Agricultural Services

We own a fleet of agricultural equipment and are currently rehabilitating more than 2 million acres of agriculture in the Sudan. We have also signed a contract with (Themar Agricultural Production Company) and (Mossam Advanced Projects Company) in Mortania for joint cooperation in the field of agriculture and have extended experience since the beginning of the agricultural revolution in Sudan.

Real Estate Development

In the field of real estate we have contributed to real estate development in the states of western Sudan and we are the first companies to contribute to the city of( Nyala )from shops, residential and infrastructure.

Export and Import Services

In the field of exports, we specialize in the export of cow horns and own the first Sudanese company in this field. In the field of imports, we import marble, agricultural fertilizer and spare parts of industrial production lines.

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